MUSSELED OUT By Barbara Ross

Musseled Out by Barbara  Ross

Events in Busman Harbor Maine are winding down as the town gets ready for winter. Julia Snowdon meets a new competitor on the dock who tells that Family Clambake won’t last a year. Julia heads to the island to think through her decisions. She must decided where she wants to live, rather to return to her former job and if she wants to continue with her relationship with Chris. Looking for her cat Le Roi she spots a lobstor boat that appears empty. When the book is pulled from the water the competitor is founddead tangled inthe ropes. Her bother- in – law is the main suspect. Julia works to help clear him. What are her answer to all her questions? I recommend this this series.
Full Disclosure: I received a free copy from Kensington Books through Netgalley for an honest review. I would like to think them for this opportunity to read and review this book. The opinions are my own.

About bettylouise31 Member of NetGalley and Edelweiss Senior Citizen and been reading and sharing my thoughts on books most of my life. I read for my pleasure. I have been married for over 65 years. We had a Bengal Cat, Kato who has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Interests include reading, dogs, cats, gardening, knitting, crocheting. I have a strong interest in North American native plants. A word on my reviews. I am writing very few. Books reviews are from my public library, brought, many from Netgalley, a few from Edelweiss, occasionally from an author or from friends. The opinions are my own. I represent no publisher, author, or another source​. My reviews can be found on. Tumblr, Goodreads, Google+, and Twitter. I have no Facebook account. Thanks for reading my blog.
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4 Responses to MUSSELED OUT By Barbara Ross

  1. bmary8222 says:

    Thanks for posting your review. I have this book on my to be read list.

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