If we were having Coffee/tea, I ask you inside out of the weather out of the cold, fog and mixture rain and snow. Select your drink and treat and let’s go set by the window. We can watch the sparrows come in to eat. Occasionally, we might see a house finch and a junco. We can also watch a flock of robins feed on the snow. The twigs and dropping from the pear trees seem to be tasty. The robins also drink moisture the forms on the trees. There other trees aroun but the robins and other birds do not visit them. The sparrows use them to fly between the patios that have grain out. The weather this week has unusual. Tuesday was a day of snow. after another 4/5 inches snow saw a day of rain and melting snow. The snow saw the beginning of collapse roofs throughout the area. Walmart closed there stores until the snow was off them. Yesterday, we have lovely sunrise. My picture doe not do it justice.


Wednesday Kato and I had terrible day. He had appointment with his Vet for his annual checkup. The roads were bad from Tueday storm but Alita said it was a go. I clean up the kitchen unloading and reloading the dishwasher and did a few other house hold items that needed done andI knew Alita wouldn’t have time to do them.I got myself ready and sit down until it was time to go. I screamed in pain as my left hip gave out. That frightened Kato. Checking to see if I was okay, I found I could still walk without pain. I was shaken so bad that we decided Bob would go to the vets. He started to pick Kato up who probably thought Bob was going to take himout side. Kato ran under the Queen size bed, he faster than Bob. A short time later I managed to catch Kato (he really let me catch him) and they left for the Kato. His exam was hard on him. He had a couple of shots and his anus glands were clean, toe nails clip. Keeping with my positive day theory, I’m glad no bones were broken and I didn’t spend day in the ER. Kato is definitely feeling better now.

It wewere having coffee/tea ☕☕, I would tell you that Trump’s election has had positive effect on me, I am paying attention to the news again. I really wasn’t before. I just was just glancing at the news, now I am reading it again. That is a plus.

My positive thought today was my photo album  had some of my old pictures and I was able to added them to share them. Next is a series of pictures taken on a visit to the Grand Canyon. Some I haven’t seen in awhile.




My age is showing and I have managed to mess up my  📚📚  RIVER CITY DEATH  by Nancy G. West is not out until January 17 on that date SCHEDULED TO DEATH  by Mary Feliz

TIP A HAT TO MURDER by Elaine L. Orr



The is part of Diane’s Part-time Coffee Share

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About bettylouise31 Member of NetGalley and Edelweiss Senior Citizen and been reading and sharing my thoughts on books most of my life. I read for my pleasure. I have been married for over 65 years. We had a Bengal Cat, Kato who has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Interests include reading, dogs, cats, gardening, knitting, crocheting. I have a strong interest in North American native plants. A word on my reviews. I am writing very few. Books reviews are from my public library, brought, many from Netgalley, a few from Edelweiss, occasionally from an author or from friends. The opinions are my own. I represent no publisher, author, or another source​. My reviews can be found on. Tumblr, Goodreads, Google+, and Twitter. I have no Facebook account. Thanks for reading my blog.
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26 Responses to COFFEE/ TEA SHARE☕☕ JANUARY 14, 2017

  1. trentpmcd says:

    Sounds like Kato was a little traumatized by the vet. I’m glad he’s doing better. I hope you and your hip are doing better! I’m glad you are keeping up the positive thoughts. I hope next week there are many, many good thoughts.

    • Kato is still stress because we are doing things slightly different. I didn’t realized he connect the vacuum cleaner not being run this pass year with Alita. She has been using Kato so the floors were not vacuum. They were so bad that I insisted she used it and I was surprised by his actions. My hip is still bothering me some what. It was probably a muscle spasm. Thanks for the good thoughts

  2. amiewrites74 says:

    How is your hip feeling now? The Grand Canyon photos are beautiful!

  3. Dagny says:

    Sounds like some close calls last week, Betty. Glad everything turned out alright for all.

  4. DailyMusings says:

    Glad Kato is doing better and you are ok after that hip scare! Terrible that roofs are collapsing under the weight of snow and then the melt-the weather is so changeable. Some areas here in New Jersey hit 70 degrees on Wednesday!! Now today we are back to 20. Stay well and warm!

  5. Beautiful photos. I hope your hip is feeling better. Have a lovely week.

  6. Cee Neuner says:

    Marvelous post and terrific photos. 😀

  7. I’m glad your hip is okay and there’s nothing to worry about Kato, too. I’m inspired by your keeping up with positivity, it can make all the difference everyday. 🙂

  8. bmary8222 says:

    Thanks for sharing with us. Hope this week is better for all of you.

  9. Corina says:

    I hope your hip continues to do better today. I’ve been pretty much out of commission since Thursday night with sciatica. It’s a little better now. At least I can move without excruciating pain. It still hurts but it is manageable.

    Have a super week!

  10. So happy you’re okay, BL. Nothing worse than living with pain. :o) Happy that Kato recovered as well. Have a wonderful week.

  11. Pamela Morse says:

    Great photos as sisal Betty Louise. Wish both you and Kato a less adventurous week. Thanks for the coffee.

  12. Tara says:

    Glad to hear everyone’s doing better and that you’re reading the news. I’ve kept up with it, but am reading even more now. We’ll get through this. 🙂

    Happy week!

  13. lghiggins says:

    Your Grand Canyon pictures are beautiful. It has been a long time since I was there so it brought back memories. You had several scares with your cat and your hip this week. A number of years back, we had a porch roof collapse on our cabin in Chama. We weren’t living there so it was a while before we were even aware of it. Meanwhile the roof on the only grocery store in the area collapsed, totaling the building, and it was almost two years before it was replaced. Lowe’s bought it out from the locals and for all that time took the employees in a van to a town about an hour and a half away every day so they would continue to have income. I thought that was admirable. Meanwhile, people had to really struggle to have groceries. It seems drastic for Walmarts to close, but it is so much better than to have a roof come caving down on employees and customers! Rest your hip or exercise it–whichever works best. I’m sure that pain was intense. Stay warm and well!

    • Yes, Walmart closing is unusual and I suspect that is why it made the news. If the roof had collapsed think of the lawsuits and bad publicity for Walmart. The weekend was a bad one for me but I got a lot down on the Kindle. I have been doing puzzles on the Kindle

  14. Lizl says:

    I love the sunrise photo. Gorgeous color!

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